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- Greetings,
- After passively reading about 500 mail messages this morning, I have decided to
- contribute to the game.
- LINES=17 : rem number of lines of text-1
- Screen Open 0,640,256,16,Hires : use any dimensions so long as they're the same
- Screen Open 1,640,256,16,Hires
- Screen Hide 1
- Screen To Front 0
- Screen 1
- Flash Off
- Curs Off
- Load Iff "pic.iff"
- Screen 0
- Flash Off
- Curs Off
- Get Palette 1
- Double Buffer
- Autoback 0
- 'read in the text
- For X=0 To LINES
- Read TXT$(X)
- Next
- 'set the top of the text
- TT=280
- 'the main loop
- Do
- Screen 0
- Screen Copy 1 To 0
- For X=0 To LINES
- If YC<=-30 Then Goto N : Rem sorry about the goto!!!
- L$=TXT$(X)
- XC=(640-Len(L$)*8)/2
- Ink 0,3,3
- Gr Writing 0
- Text XC,YC,L$
- N:
- YC=YC+Text Base+2
- If YC=>280 Then Exit
- Next
- Screen Swap
- Wait 1
- TT=TT-2
- Loop
- 'data
- Data "CREDITS:"
- Data ""
- Data "Scrolling by Stuart Jones"
- Data "Age 14"
- Data "Hope this works on your machine"
- Data "Cos I it did on mine!"
- Data ""
- Data "I think that we should do a super-style game"
- Data "(Like Transport Tycoon)"
- Data "Built for the now average amiga"
- Data "I.E. HDD + extra RAM"
- data ""
- data "I would be happy to do all the aesthetics for the game"
- data "title screen, intro, credits etc.. cos I'm no good with bobs and sprites!"
- data ""
- data "The truth is out there!"
- data ""
- data "Long live the Amiga!"